Our Mission

Make Construction Smarter, Greener and Faster.

Sterling is a solution for construction professionals developed by construction professionals. Our mission is to provide a solution which is fit for now and the future, with constant evolution and enhancements, to enable our clients to meet their ESG & legal requirements for carbon emission reduction in a single, easy to use, accurate, reliable and responsible solution which fully aligns cost with carbon in a true dual currency system.

Why do we exist

It’s time the industry wasn’t held back by historic, legacy, desktop solutions where multiple solutions are required to piece together the project process, and data transfer between solutions is manual and risk ridden. 

So we’ve developed Sterling, to enable you to do everything from Take-off, through estimating and cost planning, to Finalisation, with Delivery Partners, planning and forecasting all in one single SaaS solution which is easy to use, rapidly deployable, and delivers fast, accurate, transparent and reliable Cost & Carbon estimates as well as life cycle assessments.

Our History

Sterling Over the Years

The concept of Sterling was born.

Outline specification and vision defined. Investors secured.

Sterling’s first prototype was developed.

Core Development & Smart Take-off work begins.

Cost Plan & standard library development.

Multiuser functionality added.

Revisioning released.

Package Manager development begins.

Package Manager development begins.

Life Cycle Cost & Carbon Advisory Group formed. Cost Forecasting & Planning, and Benchmarking scope & design begins.

Life Cycle Cost & Carbon, Benchmarking & Assemblies scope & design. Package Manager enhancements & platform optimisation.

Design & development of enhancements Life Cycle Cost & Carbon / Whole Life Cost & Carbon, Assemblies Benchmarking.
Continued enhancements to platform.

Continued development of Assemblies, Risk & Opportunity, Package Control, Project Control, Benchmarking, Analytics, EDMS, and more integrations.

Sterling 24 Release

Continued development of Assemblies, Risk & Opportunity, Package Control, Project Control, Benchmarking, Analytics, EDMS, and more integrations.

  • 2018


    The concept of Sterling was born.
  • 2019

    Specification & Initial Funding

    Outline specification and vision defined. Investors secured.
  • 2020


    Sterling's first prototype was developed.
  • 2021 Q1

    Development Starts

    Core Development & Smart Take-off work begins.